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'I knew I was gambling'

'I knew I was gambling'

The huge success of Ala Modalaindi came as a surprise to movie buffs and debutant female writer-director, Nandini Reddy, is in complete awe of the response she has been getting from the audience and well-wishers.

“I never thought this movie will get such an awesome response, I just gave my best and worked very hard. This is what happens when you believe in yourself,” says Nandini. “It feels nice to make people happy. I feel blessed.” For her the best part is that so many people are talking about the movie and recommending others to watch it. “When I wrote the script, I knew I was gambling,” she adds.

So how does it feel when people talk about a movie by a female director doing well? “Since the movie released that is the talk everywhere — a lady director made a movie. I do feel proud of myself, but it is a job a lady can also do,” she replies. “My friend Anjana is directing a thriller in Tamil and is waiting to watch the response from people. A lady director making a thriller — sure, that will be the talk in days to come!”

Nanandi says she flitted between pursuing different careers, from prawn culturing and advertising to medicine and engineering. After managing to confuse everyone at home she completed her Masters in International Politics before becoming a clap assistant to Gunnam Gangaraju for Little Soldiers. “I was always confused. I even joined a women’s college to play cricket,” she says. “After studying International Politics, I thought, ‘I cannot be diplomatic’, so I didn’t pursue that field. Then I did photography, visual media, used to copy write and then came along Little Solders.”

Quizzed on her next venture, Nandini says she is still enjoying the success of this movie. “It’s a tough task now, because after the success of my first movie, people will expect a lot from me. I do not want to rush into something and disappoint them.”

And does she have any tips for upcoming lady directors? “Just do not give up, do your best, and I hope that my example will help people to think positive and believe they can achieve their goal,” she says.

Now, since her career is on track, what about marriage? “No, not for now,” she laughs. “For now I am just very busy with my film career.”


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